Sunday, May 5, 2019

Parents are as guilty as their criminal child or children.

Parenting is the root of good behavior, and good character. In absence of that, an individual born into  society in ninety nine percent of the time is a danger not only to himself or herself but to society as a whole.
At birth, we are nothing but animals with two legs and two hands. This opinion may not be acceptable to most, nor can we bring ourselves to look at birth that way. It is essentially what it is. The difference is guidance, and in the absence of that guidance, an animal with two legs and two hands has just been born into the human society.

A person born today is like a yam planted in the farm. If you have seen yam field, you will relate properly to its use as a reference point in this posting. Yams naturally have their tubers underground, but for that tuber to survive it extends its roots outwards for oxygen and water. But those roots are not strong on their own, without the farmer supporting them with woods dugged in the ground so as to keep them straight up for proper and adequate sun, water, wind or air. That is the only way in my  experience working in my father's farms that yams grow and come out big and tasty.

Humans are like that. You can go on and deny it, but that is what we are, just look around you.

As you may wonder, l have been speaking in parables up to this point, what are you talking about you may ask. I am prompted to send in this posting due to the high school shooting in Broward county Florida, Yes it has happened again. Another mass murder of young innocent children who are being raised in the manner l described above. The lives of those who did not make it have been cut short by an animal introduced in our midst as human by people who will be erroneously called parents.
Since 1999, there have been several shootings around the country, and at the end, mental issues are blamed for the dastard acts. The only solution offered was throw money at mental issues, organizations and groups. No one has ever asked where are the parents of the individual who committed these heinous crimes, when did they learn about the conditions, what did they do, and how did they monitor their ward.

In America, mental illness is now commonly used to justify killing of innocent people by those who lost hope and think everybody is to be blamed for it. This is the only country in the world where crimes have legal justification. Let see,you know what, l have had headache for two days now so today l am going to go out and mow down some people because of it. And surely you will see someone who will defend me for it.

But if you are honest about it, the majority of those young adults who commit capital crimes come from homes where there is dangerous level of absence of parental guidance, leading to unjustified jealousy towards his or her fellow young adults whom he or she perceived to be doing better than him or her. This absence leads to braining washing.Then leads to hating of others either for religious reason or for looking different from them.

I will never accept mental argument for capital crimes, as one does not wake up one day and become mentally unbalanced. One reason being that for one to commit a capital crime one inherently know what one is doing. You have reason to know that if you shoot someone he or she may die, and you proceeded to do it, l will urge and vote to convict your ass.

The system also has to share the blame here. The system has dis-armed the parents so much that most parents are afraid to correct their own children. This no doubt lead to children running wild on their parents and subsequently on the society at large. We as a society must reverse course, otherwise killing and shooting will become common place for generations to come, and we will continually and systematically write these occurrences with fancy adjectives.

To continually absolve parents of criminals of culpability for their ward crimes is the danger, not the act itself.

Reverse course now or one day a family so aggrieved may take the law in their hands and do what they see as equitable to the family of the culprit. So stop it now.

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