Wednesday, January 27, 2016

The Imigration debate.

Immigration is defined as the movement from one place to another for permanent living. Recently, this word has become divisive, and a hated word among the world population, and especially here in the United States due to the current political climate.

But a look at the root cause of this movement indicates that all of us humans are pursued or pressured by the same factors that cause people to move. The need to survive, decent living, education, hunger, politics etc., are the primary factors why people move. Does this seem familiar to anyone one reading this? Have you ever moved before, even within the same locality? Have you changed jobs, home or living environment? While these may not fall strictly under the definition of immigration, but they essentially fall under the same factors that cause people to move from one place to another.

With that understanding, what one sees today is that those who have arrived ahead of others are now in the forefront to stop others from coming in. Even if you are born in the destination location, you are still the descendant of migrated population sometime in the past. Over time, world societies rose from migrating population, and not many societies can claim to be native to where they today call home.

Those who yearn for homogenous society or population would be left wondering what happened in an age where movement of people have become common place aided by technological advancement in vehicular transportation of all kinds for land, air and sea.
This will continue until every society become numb to daily arrivals of immigrants from different parts of the world, and the center will no longer hold
You can scream, yell, fuss, swear and kick, but yours my friend, yours is but a lost resistance struggle.

The fear here though is real in my opinion. The fear of the majority population is real in that the world is littered with history of societies that have been supplanted by migrating population. As an immigrant myself, many years ago while l was in Africa, l read about how the present day Egypt was once ruled by indigenous population known as the 'NUBIANS" along with Jewish population. They were subsequently supplanted by the invading Arab population leading to the exodus that we now read in the bible. I read this as a young man. Even though that population is now nearly extinct, many who know this story still believe that the Nubians are the true owners of Egypt. The exodus that we read from the bible was as a result of one population being replaced by another.

The world as we see and know it is now more shaped by moving populations and there is no chance this will stop in the near future. So go ahead, scream your anti-immigrant head off, you are definitely fighting a losing battle.

Monday, January 18, 2016

NAACP seems to be missing

Ever wonder why the above referenced organization has not been very vocal as it should in the ongoing shooting and killing of black people by police across the country. Is it possible the current leadership of the organization are less of visionaries compared to their predecessors? Is it possible to think that they are aloof with the very community they are supposed to be serving? Is it possible to think that the current crop of leaders of the organization do not clearly understand what they should be doing, or they believe the goal has been achieved. What do you think is the reason for the disturbing silence of NAACP.

Among black communities, or if you meet any black person that is current with these issues that wants to be open to you, he or she will tell you that what is happening in the police department across the country is that racist groups have dissolved into the police force across the country under the watch of NAACP. At this point in time, most black people say NAACP as an organization is no longer relevant to their causes or in their lives.

In fact one screamed out a question to me and said, "why do you think black life matter organization emerged"? While others believe that black life matter organization is an arm of NAACP. I do not know which is the correct version. I am writing on this issue because l believe that NAACP has been asleep at wheels and also from the discussions l have had with some of my people when we meet to break bread or clink glasses.

At the chance of  being crucified for writing this piece, and as a black person, my race by nature are reactionary people as opposed to proactive people. We are not very observant people, and we pray too much waiting and hoping for miracle to occur instead of taking the bull by the horn. From yours truly to the rest of us here in America and elsewhere, we do not plan properly or plan with expectations or contingencies. The result is the situation that is now a common place in America.

Given all that, instead of listening or relying on political messages of change and changing the way police do their job proclamations, NAACP should embark on getting all police departments in America to publish the background of  all police applicants before they are hired. On the other hand, NAACP can take it upon itself to investigate all police service applicants in all communities they plan to serve in. In this way, they will be able to stop those with racist leanings joining the police force at the application line. Just do something.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Self Denigration

As a black man, l am always fascinated by comments from some black people in the public domain.
Such comments turn my stomach times without number, because the comments mostly are used by less informed people on the other side to evaluate and judge the rest of us blacks.

Of particular interest to me is the comment made this past Tuesday by Whoopi Goldberg on her daily show the View that she is not African American, but American. No one denies the latter, but the former is unsettling to some us who have processed the statement thoroughly. To make such a statement in my humble opinion amounts to personal denigration. I submit that Whoopi is an intelligent woman, and has achieved a lot in her life, but it is sad that the the level of ignorance exhibited by her statement says that at her age, her psyche needs some degree of fine tuning.

Until science proves that human race broke through from parallel universe, the fact remains that everybody originated from somewhere. All human beings except Whoopi Goldberg and her likes have blood lines that run across the lands, deserts and oceans to be where they are to this day. As true as prior statement is, where then is Whoopi's blood line. Is she claiming to be indigenous American, or did she break through from parallel universe as it is called in some quarters?

By extension, this is the same mentality that most black women on television have about themselves.
The minute they have a television job, become popular in music or in movie, the next time you see them, they have metamorphosed into an Oreo. Why do so many black women in America feel very inferior when it comes to the color of their skin? What is wrong in being proud of who you are, and be proud of how nature made you? Are you blaming your parents that they made mistake in having  you black?

You see there are many things in life we have no choice but accept them as we found them in existence. For example, we cannot not change human demographic, we cannot change where they are located on planet, we cannot change the color inside out, we cannot change the seas and oceans, neither can we change the color of our natural eyes. Yes in our natural eyes, you may change your skin color, but your gene is still black. Just give birth to a child, and see how you have tried to fool yourselves.

If some of the modern day black women were the ones present during the struggle for equality in America, there will be no black man in America today because these types of women would have sold them all out to be killed in order to belong to the majority population whom they have no blood line with. Just the way l see it.
I welcome your response.

Monday, January 4, 2016

Stolen Democracy

It is election year again, and those active in electioneering process are lining up on either side of the political divide pushing their favorite candidates.

Over the years, l have developed this passion for observing the American electoral process, as well as the ever increasing list of campaign promises. Because l wonder if there is any person or group which actually keep track of all the election promises with respect to their fulfillments or lack there of.

I have also realized that the politicians understand the limitless gullibility of American electorate that they will say anything to get elected knowing fully well that no one will bother to check the facts come re-election time. They have also realized that the American voter is a "one issue voter".

Take for example, tax policy, trade policy, healthcare, and corporate regulations among others. Why are the elected representatives have so much difficulties passing any sensible legislation on these issues that one way or the other affect the electorates. And even when they do pass some legislations, how much of what is passed affect the voter in a positive way remains in doubt. Anyone ever wondered why what is passed is such a headache to the average person to understand. Does anyone know why? The reason is because the legislation was written by interest parties to serve and protect them and not the electorate. Is there any legislation passed solely for what we want and what we believe in? The answer is there is none, because if there is, it will be very simple which will make it an anomaly.

The issue here is that once they are elected, they respond to the demands of interest parties in total disregard to that of the electorate that put them in office. This is the crux of the matter. The electorate in America have been beaten into submission that they are even scared to ask for accountability come re-election time of those they have previously elected.

Many politicians go with the slogan "let's take back America", but the only problem is that they do not tell you whom to take it back from. Telling you whom to take it from will render their vault dry, because the elected representatives have now become captive to interest parties who now dictates what policy the representatives should champion. You the electorates are now left to wonder why what you voted for are not being addressed.

To buttress my argument here, l invite you to look at this case number No. 1:12-CV-02735-MHS (N.D. Ga. Sept 8, 2015 (Strickland v. Alexander) resulting from the passage of  this garnishment statute O.C.G.A. §. 18-4-60 et.seq.

Under this new regulation, your employer, your bank becomes the collection agency for your creditors. Your bank account can be frozen by your bank the moment your creditor presents a court paper showing judgement against you. Your employer can garnish your paycheck the moment your creditor presents court papers. And sometimes these judgements are processed in such a manner that you either did not know or do not have time to present your side.

Did you as a Georgia voter had such law in mind when you cast your votes for those who passed this legislation. There are many such laws across the United States that is designed to adversely affect the lives of the voting public. In essence your votes are stolen or hijacked by the interest parties. leading me to come to the conclusion that our cherished democracy has now been stolen from us the voters.
I welcome your response to this post.