Monday, January 4, 2016

Stolen Democracy

It is election year again, and those active in electioneering process are lining up on either side of the political divide pushing their favorite candidates.

Over the years, l have developed this passion for observing the American electoral process, as well as the ever increasing list of campaign promises. Because l wonder if there is any person or group which actually keep track of all the election promises with respect to their fulfillments or lack there of.

I have also realized that the politicians understand the limitless gullibility of American electorate that they will say anything to get elected knowing fully well that no one will bother to check the facts come re-election time. They have also realized that the American voter is a "one issue voter".

Take for example, tax policy, trade policy, healthcare, and corporate regulations among others. Why are the elected representatives have so much difficulties passing any sensible legislation on these issues that one way or the other affect the electorates. And even when they do pass some legislations, how much of what is passed affect the voter in a positive way remains in doubt. Anyone ever wondered why what is passed is such a headache to the average person to understand. Does anyone know why? The reason is because the legislation was written by interest parties to serve and protect them and not the electorate. Is there any legislation passed solely for what we want and what we believe in? The answer is there is none, because if there is, it will be very simple which will make it an anomaly.

The issue here is that once they are elected, they respond to the demands of interest parties in total disregard to that of the electorate that put them in office. This is the crux of the matter. The electorate in America have been beaten into submission that they are even scared to ask for accountability come re-election time of those they have previously elected.

Many politicians go with the slogan "let's take back America", but the only problem is that they do not tell you whom to take it back from. Telling you whom to take it from will render their vault dry, because the elected representatives have now become captive to interest parties who now dictates what policy the representatives should champion. You the electorates are now left to wonder why what you voted for are not being addressed.

To buttress my argument here, l invite you to look at this case number No. 1:12-CV-02735-MHS (N.D. Ga. Sept 8, 2015 (Strickland v. Alexander) resulting from the passage of  this garnishment statute O.C.G.A. §. 18-4-60 et.seq.

Under this new regulation, your employer, your bank becomes the collection agency for your creditors. Your bank account can be frozen by your bank the moment your creditor presents a court paper showing judgement against you. Your employer can garnish your paycheck the moment your creditor presents court papers. And sometimes these judgements are processed in such a manner that you either did not know or do not have time to present your side.

Did you as a Georgia voter had such law in mind when you cast your votes for those who passed this legislation. There are many such laws across the United States that is designed to adversely affect the lives of the voting public. In essence your votes are stolen or hijacked by the interest parties. leading me to come to the conclusion that our cherished democracy has now been stolen from us the voters.
I welcome your response to this post.

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