Wednesday, January 27, 2016

The Imigration debate.

Immigration is defined as the movement from one place to another for permanent living. Recently, this word has become divisive, and a hated word among the world population, and especially here in the United States due to the current political climate.

But a look at the root cause of this movement indicates that all of us humans are pursued or pressured by the same factors that cause people to move. The need to survive, decent living, education, hunger, politics etc., are the primary factors why people move. Does this seem familiar to anyone one reading this? Have you ever moved before, even within the same locality? Have you changed jobs, home or living environment? While these may not fall strictly under the definition of immigration, but they essentially fall under the same factors that cause people to move from one place to another.

With that understanding, what one sees today is that those who have arrived ahead of others are now in the forefront to stop others from coming in. Even if you are born in the destination location, you are still the descendant of migrated population sometime in the past. Over time, world societies rose from migrating population, and not many societies can claim to be native to where they today call home.

Those who yearn for homogenous society or population would be left wondering what happened in an age where movement of people have become common place aided by technological advancement in vehicular transportation of all kinds for land, air and sea.
This will continue until every society become numb to daily arrivals of immigrants from different parts of the world, and the center will no longer hold
You can scream, yell, fuss, swear and kick, but yours my friend, yours is but a lost resistance struggle.

The fear here though is real in my opinion. The fear of the majority population is real in that the world is littered with history of societies that have been supplanted by migrating population. As an immigrant myself, many years ago while l was in Africa, l read about how the present day Egypt was once ruled by indigenous population known as the 'NUBIANS" along with Jewish population. They were subsequently supplanted by the invading Arab population leading to the exodus that we now read in the bible. I read this as a young man. Even though that population is now nearly extinct, many who know this story still believe that the Nubians are the true owners of Egypt. The exodus that we read from the bible was as a result of one population being replaced by another.

The world as we see and know it is now more shaped by moving populations and there is no chance this will stop in the near future. So go ahead, scream your anti-immigrant head off, you are definitely fighting a losing battle.

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